Parallel Space 與 Planet X 共同策劃

78jo, Clubbabo, Creature Collectors Club, Deathland Vinyl Toy, Domz, Kenneth Wan, Graphic Airlines, Hexactuss, Inna Wegener, Jessica Chan, Kaiju Colosseum, Lam Duen Shan Ming, Lousy, Lordmasterprince, Luke Smells Good, Mechnoiz Toys, Mic Braining, Octoplus Gallery, Orange Terry, Planet-X, To Kai On Benny, Wong Sze Chit

10 - 25.06.2023

Parallel Space presents the latest cross-over of local Sofubi creator Planet X and graffiti artist Lousy to launch their biggest collaboration: the Lousy X and Mecha Lousy X. A curated group of local designers and artists are joined as well to create and showcase around 30 pieces of custom-painted one-off sofubi. All limited editions will be on sale from 10 June to 25 June at both Tai Nan Street Parallel Space and M+ Shop!

Sofubi, the soft vinyl toys (ソフビ) have always been a major fondness among toy enthusiasts. Hong Kong sofubi design brand Planet X's founder, Joseph, like most toys lovers, has been interested in Japanese Tokusatsu works and American stop-motion animation director Ray Harryhausen's works since childhood. He then becomes a sofubi collector, and even drew inspiration from their works to start his sofubi creation. 

Having the same love of subcultures, Lousy claims himself an Otaku and likes to collect Kaijins, Godzillas and villain figures. The creation of “Lousy X” and “Mecha Lousy X” is also inspired by Japanese film and TV culture. One may find familiar figures such as King Kong, kaijus, and robots on them. Single-eyed Kaijin could be often seen in Takusatsu series, but it is also a Lousy signature mark. More Lousy signatures are also engraved to the figures’ back, joining sofubi with the common language in graffiti culture. 

Planet X pays special attention to proportions when producing sofubis, emphasising the body shapes of each creature. In contrast, Lousy's creations focus on speed, ignition, and contrasting visual elements, making this collaboration a cross-disciplinary and cross-technical partnership.

Collaborating with artists to create one-off custom-painted soft vinyl toys is a unique culture within the Sofubi world. Apart from showcasing the diversity and possibility of sofubis, it also allows the limited works of many custom-painting artists to be collected. Not only has Parallel Space teamed up Lousy with Planet X’s first custom-painting project, they are also sending their “Lousy X” and “Mecha Lousy X” to visit more than 20 paint creators. Creators are not limited to OG sofubi makers and collectors, such as P from Octoplus Gallery; Lukesmellsgood, bro of Lousy; Creature Collectors Club, Graphic Airline & weird yet cute sofubi creator, but also cross-disciplinary artists such as antique toy ceramic artist Benny To, Canton porcelain artist Lin Duen Shan Ming, and the Hong Kong based Ukrainian artist Inna Wegner, etc.

LOUSY vs PLANET X will at the same time showcase and sell the limited "Lu Ting" by Planet X. Drawing inspiration from Japanese sofubi on how they put their own mythical creatures together with pop culture, Planet X has also re-interpreted the local half-human, half-fish mythological figure, Lu Ting.

Parallel Space 串連香港玩具品牌 Planet X 跟塗鴉藝術家 Lousy 合作,推出兩款名為 Lousy X 及 Mecha Lousy X 之限量版玩具作品,同時邀請超過廿位玩具設計師及藝術家加入塗裝,一次過展示接近 30 件「one-off」作品,並於 6 月10 日起至 6 月 25 日於大南街 Parallel Space 及 M+ 商店限量發售!

搪膠玩具(ソフビ/Sofubi )一向是玩具界中一大主軸,Planet X 主理人 Joseph 跟大部份愛好者一樣,自小對日本特搜作品和美國停格動畫導演 Ray Harryhausen 的作品有濃厚興趣,漸成為收藏家,然後以他們的作品為靈感,開始製作自品牌搪膠玩具。

同樣熱愛次文化的 Lousy 亦自稱「毒宅」,喜歡收藏怪人、哥斯拉及壞蛋角色。

今次推出的兩款10吋高玩具作品, 一款名為”Lousy X” , 以七種不同顏色素體拼合,每隻都與別不同, 另外 ”Mecha Lousy X”  以Planet X 製作的Mecha Gigathon機械身體,加上Lousy的標誌性大頭眼睛, 提醒大家用心去看世界, 同時像機械人一樣強壯, 每款只限只製作三十隻。

Planet X 製作搪膠玩具時特別注重身形和比例,重點表現應有的線條及精準細節;

Lousy 的創作則講求速度、刺激、與高對比的視覺元素,這次無疑是跨界別與跨技巧的合作。

你可以在它們身上找到金剛、怪獸、機械人等熟悉的身影, 混合 Lousy 標誌性的塗鴉風格,背面同時刻有 Lousy 的簽名,Lousy X 與 Mecha Lousy X 可謂搪膠玩具與塗鴉藝術的另類結合!

塗裝作品是 Sofubi 界的獨有文化,除了能表現搪膠玩具的多元性和可玩性,亦令不少塗裝藝術家的作品得以收藏。今次Parallel Space 和 Planet X 加上Lousy, 在製作 “Lousy X” 與 “Mecha Lousy X” 的途中決定邀請不 同派別風格的玩具製作人藝術家, 舉行一次聯乘塗裝計劃, 為”Lousy X” 與 “Mecha Lousy X”進行改造。除了本身是著名搪膠玩具製作者或收藏者,Octoplus Gallery 的 P 爺、Lousy 的好友文樂幾香、有新進製作人不明生物俱樂部, 亦有Hexactuss, Kaiju Colosseum, Graphic Airline等等在香港塗裝玩具文化潮流中流砥柱外, Parallel Space 更跨界別地請來古玩具陶藝藝術家陶啟安、織金彩瓷藝術家林斷山明、在港烏克蘭藝術家 Inna Wegner 等人參與今次展覽,以搪膠玩具為媒介進行創作,顯現各人的手藝美學風格, 實在是最近香港區玩具文化一次跨界別超好玩重量級項目!

另外上層 Planet X 再次展示 “Dawn of Lu Ting”

以香港傳說水怪 「盧亭」 為創作靈感的一系列玩具及包括美國KLAV ,日本Blobpus 及 LOUSY 等一衆藝術家及設計師的塗裝改造作品,兩層結集成一次 跨界 玩具改造塗裝展 !

無論是玩具或藝術愛好者, 都需要關注的一個展覽。

創作單位總覽, 78jo, Clubbabo, 不明生物俱樂部, Deathland Vinyl Toy, Domz, Kenneth Wan, Graphic Airlines, Hexactuss, Inna Wegener, Jessica Chan, Kaiju Colosseum, 林斷山明, Lousy, Lordmasterprince, 文樂幾香, 機械噪音, Mic Braining, Octoplus Gallery, Orange Terry, Planet-X, 陶啟安, 黃獅子。


Takashi Endoh Ceramic Show 遠藤岳陶展 30.6-09.7.2023


Parallel Space Mart 04.2023-07.2023